Indigo announces 6Eskai AI chat assistant across the web.

Indigo announces 6Eskai AI chat assistant across the web.

Exciting news from IndiGo, India’s favorite airline! Indigo announces 6Eskai AI chat assistant across the web.  They’ve just launched 6Eskai, a cool AI chatbot that works with the super-smart GPT-4 technology. The best part? IndiGo’s own digital team, along with Microsoft, made it happen right in-house. This is a big deal for the airline and a major step forward.

Why is it cool? Well, 6Eskai talks to customers in 10 different languages and brings a fresh way to book tickets across the whole network. That’s a game-changer!

Key Details

IndiGo is now one of the first airlines using super-smart AI tech to make your experience better. They did a test run, and guess what? The workload for customer service agents dropped by 75%! And here’s the fun part: 6Eskai makes booking tickets super easy. It talks like a friend, guiding you through the whole booking journey with natural language

 Now, let’s talk tech. 6Eskai is super smart with a whopping 1.7 trillion parameters. IndiGo’s tech team did a deep dive into generative pretrained transformers (GPT) to teach 6Eskai. The result? A chatbot that acts like a human, understands feelings, and even throws in a joke or two for a fun chat!

But 6Eskai is not just a chatbot; it’s a multitasking marvel. It can book tickets, apply discounts, help with addons, do web check-ins, pick seats, plan trips, answer questions, and connect you with an agent. And guess what? It understands what you say too!

Why You Should Be Excited

Summi Sharma, a big shot at IndiGo, is super thrilled about 6Eskai. She says it’s here to make your travel smoother and more personal. It’s like having a tech-savvy friend with you wherever you go!

IndiGo’s new friend, 6Eskai, is here to make your travel life easier and more fun. With less work for customer service, a breeze of a booking process, and lots of helpful features, IndiGo is making sure your travel experience is top-notch!

IndiGo’s 6Eskai isn’t just a chatbot; it’s a tech leap that promises to make your airline experience better. With cool features, easy processes, and a commitment to making your journey awesome, IndiGo’s entry into AI is changing the game!

Articles: 16

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